What did you think of 5.09 - Namaste?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Jacobian Physics

Perhaps a leader, perhaps a puppet; perhaps a ghost, perhaps a god, Jacob is undoubtedly synonymous with mystery. From the moment we laid eyes upon the dilapidated shack to the moment Locke was told to "move the island," Jacob's ways, significance, purposes, and reasons have been a constant wonder to us LOST fans.

To make a long theory short: Jacob is being trapped and controlled by Ben. Good, now that that’s out of the way, we can take a quick flashback and see how we came to this very cool line of thought.

Let’s start with what we don’t know. Everything. But we CAN make some assumptions based upon what has been shown. As a starting point lets evaluate Jacob’s introduction into the franchise in episode 3.20 “The Man Behind The Curtain,” in which Ben finally leads Locke to the dwelling place of the others true leader.

Let’s state some known facts about Jacob and the Island:
1. Alpert and Ben apparently answer to Jacob
2. Jacob only speaks and can be seen by certain people, perhaps only the leaders of the Others
3. There is a line of volcanic ash surrounding his cabin
4. There is a “Temple” on the Island
5. Horace Godspeed apparently built the cabin (during the DHARMA days)
6. The cabin moves
7. Jacob needs help (“Help me…”)
8. Jacob has been around since AT LEAST 1954 (“Jughead”)
9. God loves Jacob (“God Loves You as He Loved Jacob”)
10. The dead can act as his representative
11. Jacob has a big eye
12. Jacob is “not forgiving,” but he is “magnificent”

The first thing Locke notices is the strange line of volcanic ash surrounding the cabin. While some people have tried to link this to the apparent volcanic eruption in the Island’s shady past, we think it is something more simple: a magic circle.

Yes, we are serious. A magic circle of magical volcanic dust. In witchcraft and some eastern religions, a magic circle is used as a seal for magic or spirits. For instance, you could stand in the circle and cast a spell to protect yourself. Alternatively, you could trap something within the circle (a la “the Skeleton Key”) In this case, the circle could be used to trap someone or something… LIKE JACOB!

Now bear with us because things are about to get pretty magical, even by LOST’s standards. Lets back-up and explain our theory as to why we believe JACOB is trapped in the proverbial cabin. Well, actually it’s a real cabin, but whatever.

We know that there is a “Temple” on the Island, and we know that Jacob is a god-like character. So wouldn’t it make sense for Jacob to preside in the Temple.

Actually, we got bored after writing all this and have decided to sum up the theory:


Sam and Will.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Clips from "The Variable"!

Wowzers! It's been a while! Well, not to worry, after the killer break from LOST we all had to endure last week, LOST is back for it's 100th episode! Woohoo! Titled "The Variable," the name carries some real throwbacks to the classic episode "The Constant" from Season Four. And what's more? We have some clips right here for you!

Clip 1:

Clip 2:

Clip 3:

Well that's all for right now! Can't wait to see the episode this week! Head on over to DocArzt Blog for even more info! We also get on the chats or threads over there, so it's a good LOST community to head to!

Happy Trails,

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Previews Clips from Episode 5.11 - Whatever Hapened, Happened

Wowzers it's been a while! We still watch lost, don't worry, guys! But since MyPodcast randomly deleted our podcast we haven't had as much reason to post. But we have some preview clips for you! So don't be too mad, because we're watchin' out for ya!

Clip 1:

Clip 2:

Clip 3:

Enjoy! And watch LOST tomorrow night at 9 on ABC!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Preview Clips - Namaste

Welcome back! This is more a welcome back for US, as we haven't posted since LaFleur. Though, admittedly, it's not entirely our fault. You may also have noticed that The Dark Territory Podcast (located at the upper-right hand corner of the page) doesn't have anything on it, and neither does our podcast page at http://inthedarkterritory.mypodcast.com/ doesn't have anything either. We don't understand it, either. It refused to let us upload our last two episodes, and the LaFleur episode was very in depth and interesting! So I guess sorry it hasn't been uploaded yet, we're trying to get it all sorted out.

But hopefully you'll forgive us, saying that we have FOUR NEW PREVIEW CLIPS FROM TONIGHT'S EPISODE FOR YOU! Enjoy.

Clip 1:

Now that is just cool. Seeing the Island like that during a near-miss crash is just cool. This also confirms our theory we posted exactly one month ago, on February 18, under the name The Frank Lapidus Theory Add-On for Episode 5.06

Clip 2:

"Dude, you're English is awesome!" --Who can't love Hurley? And notice Jin referring to Radzinsky (remember the guy who lived in the Swan with Kelvin before Desmond and then shot himself?)

Clip 3:

I'm guessing that the guy's Radzinsky. And from a previously released clip, we know that the "Hostile" is Sayid.

Clip 4:

I want that song.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

5.08 - New Preview Clips from "LaFleur"

Only one day, 21 hours left (as of when i'm writing this post) and I gotta say I can't wait!
Why is Jin in a Dharma uniform? Did the shifts stop? What about Sun and Lapidus? What has happened since Locke left? How long has it been? What happened to Charlotte's body after she died and another flash came along (did it stay, or move)? Well, at least the last of those questions are answered in these two preview clips for Episode 5.08 "LaFleur!" Enjoy! Post your thoughts!

Clip One:

Clip Two:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

5.07 - New Preview Clips from "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"

Why yes, ABC has released three new clips from tomorrow night's episode, "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham!" Pretty awesome if you ask me! Well leave some comments on what you think. While the rest of the world is still in shock over tonight's episode, we'll be working on what to say for the next episode recap (which will hopefully be out by this weekend, website permitting).

I think we can assume from this first video that Locke has just appeared in the Tunisian desert after being flashed from the Donkey-Wheel Chamber in "This Place is Death." It appears some terrorists rudely throw him into their truck and drive off with him. I won't even go into the other clips, I'll leave them for your wanting eyes to see! Enjoy the high quality clips, courtesy of DocArzt putting the videos up on his site (DocArzt.com).

Clip 1:

Clip 2:

Clip 3:

Oh yeah, and feel free to enjoy these three stills from the clips as well:

Well he apparently didn't leave an imprint in the sand like Ben's time travel did, but after having a compound fracture and having his atoms reassembled in space-time, that's the least of his problems!

Reminds me of when Ben was in the bed being interrogated by Locke in the barracks.

Though I wouldn't have guessed it, Widmore seems to be a newspaper collector, as he's held onto this one for over three years!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

New Theorycast 2/20/09 - S.O.S. Pocket Theory

There's a new Theorycast up over at the podcast page! (podcast links in the upper right-hand column of this page)

This new theory deals with Mrs. Hawking's comments in the latest episode, "316" (episode 5.06), and the episode S.O.S. from Season 2. It deals with electromagnetism, healing, the arctic, and more!

Listen in and leave your comments here on the blog page!

Listen to episode "TDT Theorycast 2/20/09 - S.O.S. Pocket Theory" at:

Or download it at (Right-Click, Save As):

We are currently having technical difficulties with the weekly recap podcast (for episode "316") but it will be up as soon as possible (hopefully this weekend). But don't worry, soon the podcast will be up on the iTunes listings, so you won't have to constantly check for new episodes, you will simply be able to subscribe! Woohoo!

Also, we will be putting the theory into print form in an upcoming blog post, so watch for that!

So enjoy the new theory, and feel free to comment all you want! A good theory always deserves some criticism so it can be perfected! So until next time:

See ya in anotha' post, brotha',
Sam & Will

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Frank Lapidus Theory Add-On for Episode 5.06

First, I gotta give credit to Ms. Dee (in the DocArzt LOST Forums) for first suggesting that Frank Lapidus might be flying the plane the O6 return on. If you don't know what theory i'm talking about, go look it up! It does make sense, if the O6 wanna get back to the Island, they're gonna need an inside man. The way I see it, they only have two possibilities: either highjack the plane (unlikely, and it wouldn't look very good for Sayid!), or get a pilot to fly them there. Lapidus is the obivous choice, as he already knows about the lie AND the general location of the Island (assuming it hasn't MOVED).

But there has been some talk, even by professorstotch in his "Lost Spoilers - Looking forward to 316" article on DocArzt today, that they plan to CRASH on the Island again. There is a possibility of this (as we saw Jack opening his eye in the promo, much like he did in Season 1), but I find this pretty doubtful. For one thing, Jack has never been one to believe in destiny or fate. He has stated that he is a man of science, and that their surviving was simply chance. Would Jack (and the rest of the O6) really be willing to "put all their eggs into one basket" in the hopes that they will survive the crash THIS TIME around (especially saying that many of the passengers DID die in the first crash)?

I think it much more likely that they would have a plan. And here's where we get down to the REAL add-on. Recall back to Season 3, the good ol' times when Kate and Sawyer were in bear cages being forced to work while Jack was eating cheeseburgers in the shark tank. What was it that Sawyer an Kate were working on? If memory serves me correctly, it was a runway. A runway for WHAT, though? Yemi's plane? The helicoptor? The submarine (sarcasm for all three)? The point is, they never specified, and now suddenly the O6 are trying to return to the Island by plane.

If I were Ben, and my mission was to make sure the O6 return to the Island, I would make sure that there as no room for error. It seems to me that Kate and Sawyer could have been helping build the very runway that the O6 and Ajira plane would land on in the future. Of course, this would mean that Ben had some insight into the future. But then again, how many times HAVE we underestimated that man?

Note: This is only my theory, and Will might disagree as we havent talked about it yet. In any case, I think we can ALL agree that we can't wait for tonight's episode of LOST! And don't forget to check back for the next Dark Territory Podcast devoted to tonight's episode, 316!

Happy Trails,


(What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Comment below!)